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Clik here to view.This administration is loathe to admit we are still at war with radical Islamic terrorists. Or more correctly that the terrorists are at war with us. For President Obama and Janet Napolitano, their “dream terrorist” is a Christian Militia affiliated white male.
In fact, NYC Mayor wondered if the bomber was a Tea Party member. From the Daily Caller:
New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg appeared on Katie Couric’s show Monday night to discuss the attempted car bombing in Times Square. Between reassuring viewers at home that New York was safe and praising the city’s resilient spirit, Bloomberg wondered aloud if the culprit behind the Times Square car bomb was “a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health-care bill or something.”
- “We are looking for a white male in his 40’s”
- We are looking for an Asian
- We are looking for a Pakistani-American
- There is no international link
- 8 more were arrested in Pakistan in connection with the NYC bombing attempt
And they wonder why they have no credibility in the world.
Just curious. When (or if) will the Administration admit this was a terror attack by an international ring of radical Islamic militants?
Article written by: Tom White
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About Tom White
Tom is a US Navy Veteran, owns an Insurance Agency and is currently an IT Manager for a Virginia Distributor. He has been published in American Thinker, currently writes for the Richmond Examiner as well as Virginia Right! Blog. Tom lives in Hanover County, Va and is involved in politics at every level and is a Recovering Republican who has finally had enough of the War on Conservatives in progress with the Leadership of the GOP on a National Level.
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